Tuesday, October 14, 2014

the news

i had an irrational fear of something bad happening or of miscarriage so it took us a while to feel comfortable enough to tell people about the baby.  it really depends on how comfortable you feel and everyone is different. We waited until about 14 weeks until we told our parents and even then it was a bit rushed.

we were going to guernville/healdsburg for the weekend with my college friend and his wife and we knew that during the weekend, they would figure that I was not drinking wine.  So on our drive up to meet them for dinner, we called our parents.  My parents seemed happy and my mother-in-law seemed more concerned.  Everyone will react differently.

A lot of people will have a lot of advice.  Don't eat watermelon.  Don't eat cheese.   Don't eat spicy stuff.  Don't eat this or that.  Those are personal choices as well. They key for me is really cleanliness.  If I think the food is clean I will eat it.  Of course, even when I think it is clean, it may not be.  So far in my pregnancy, I had one cold and then two small bouts of diarrhea.  Nothing serious though.

I didn't have morning sickness so I was able to wait before needing to tell my boss. Once I told her, I told my actual manager as well. It was weird, when I talked about being pregnant, I would tear up. Damn hormones.

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